Counseling Psychology Major
Counseling Psychology is a four-year program designed to provide graduates with a thorough understanding counseling theory and practice integrated with biblical and theological truth to equip them for effective counseling ministry and/or vocation.
In addition to meeting the Bible/Theology major outcomes, the student will
- Distinctively Christian Integration Develop the skills necessary to integrate a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible and major theological concepts with skills in psychological theory, methodology and technique.
- Knowledge of Theories Be conversant with the major secular and Christian psychological theories and practices and be able to evaluate them from a sound Biblical and theological point of view.
- Knowledge of Problems and Delivery of Care Be able to identify the issues and problems that people, groups, and communities face in life, for the purpose of treating and bringing help to those problems.
- Development of Counseling Skills Develop competent counseling skills within a thoroughly-Biblical framework, including interviewing skills and communication skills in one-on-one and small group situations.
- Appreciation of Diversity in Counseling Demonstrate awareness of multicultural, gender, and racial concerns in counseling relationships and how diverse populations respond differently to counseling.
- Knowledge of Abnormal Psychology Demonstrate a basic understanding of psychopathology and the various treatments available.
- Professional Development Understand the legal, ethical, ministerial, and professional issues in contemporary counseling ministry and/or practice.
- Personal Growth Reflect on his or her own mental, spiritual, emotional, and relational growth to help strengthen his or her Christian character and develop a deep level of dedication to people, and to a ministry of helping them with their lives in a way that is honoring to God.
- Ministry and Vocational Opportunities Be prepared for ministry or career roles within a variety of church, para-church, private, and governmental social services that require effective personal, emotional, and relational abilities.
- Preparation for Graduate Studies Complete core courses in Counseling Psychology to pursue graduate work in mental health services or a related academic/professional field leading toward certification or licensure.
- Complete the freshman year at Emmaus with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
- Declare intent to pursue a major in Counseling Psychology.
- At the beginning of the sophomore year, apply for entrance into the Counseling Psychology program.
- Pay all applicable fees for this program as determined by the Business office and published in the annual statement of fees.
- Complete a minimum of 122.5 semester credit hours.
- A 2.0 cumulative grade point average and a passing grade in all required courses.
- At least 60 semester credit hours must be earned at Emmaus.
- Complete the general graduation requirements listed in the Academic Life section of the catalog.
- Meet course requirements in the following areas:
- Old Testament Survey 1 (BT 102)
- Old Testament Survey 2 (BT 104)
- New Testament Survey (BT 106)
- Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (BT 120)
- Survey of Doctrine (BT 151)
- Biblical Hermeneutics (BT 220)
- God, Creation, and Sin (BT 221)
- Christ, Holy Spirit, and Salvation (BT 321)
- Church and Final Things (BT 331)
- Theology Seminar (BT 462)
- Biblical and Practical Theology of Transformation (BT 352)
- Praxis of Interpretation (BT 320)
- BT, EM, or FL Elective
- Servant Leader Training Seminar (CCS 115)
- Servant Leader Training (CCS 120)
- Chapel (CCS 110)
- Missions and Evangelism* (ICS 104)
- Counseling Foundations (COU 121)
- Marital and Family Therapy (COU 221)
- Methods and Techniques of Counseling (COU 311)
- Group Dynamics of Counseling (COU 321)
- Multicultural Counseling Techniques (COU 322)
- Crisis Intervention Counseling (COU 411)
- Ethics and Issues of Counseling (COU 412)
- Applied Integration (COU 421)
- Addictive Behaviors (COU 422)
- Developmental Psychology (PSY 211)
- Psychological Theories and Application 1 (PSY 212)
- Psychological Theories and Application 2 (PSY 221)
- Abnormal Psychology (PSY 311)
- Counseling Psychology Elective
- Fundamentals of Speech (COM 112)
- Fundamental Computer Literacy (CS 101)
- English Composition (ENG 101)
- Introduction to Literature (ENG 102)
- Transitions Seminar (FND 101)
- Senior Seminar (FND 410)
- Western Civilization 1 or 2 (HIS 131/132) or American History 1 or 2 (HIS 235/236)
- Christian Life and Worldview* (HUM 111)
- University Mathematics (MAT 140)
- Introduction to Statistics (MAT 160)
- Introduction to Psychology (PSY 111)
- Introduction to Human Biology and Lab (SCI 241/242)
- Marriage and Family Life (SOC 109)
- Humanities Elective