Emmaus provides a variety to ways to engage with the university through the Advancement and Alumni relations department, including Alumni events and ministries like Concerning Him and Iron Sharpens Iron. You can also engage when you support the university through gifts, and Emmaus offers numerous giving options. Check out some of the options below, and learn more about Why Emmaus? through the video and other Impact Stories.
Whether you're looking for traditional ways to support the school or modern options, Emmaus offers a variety of opportunities and is now accepting Venmo, Apple Pay, and Cryptocurrency. In addition to one-time cash gifts, we're ready to help you with legacy gifts and estate planning, stock and non-cash gifts, endowed giving, pledges, recurring gifts, and more.
We welcome your support in these three areas:

For Student Aid and General Support
Support People today with your gift to the Emmaus Fund, Student Scholarships, Endowment Fund, and other opportunities.

For Student Engagement
Capital projects are a multiplying factor, as mission-critical campus projects positively affect our students’ learning and living experiences.

For Student Experience
Continuing and expanding academic and campus programs enables the fulfillment of our mission and provides opportunities for students.