Emmaus Impact Golf Classic
May 19, 2025
Enjoy an afternoon on the course and some friendly competition while supporting the Emmaus Eagles!
Emmaus Impact Golf Classic
Monday, May 19, 2025 | 12PM
Meadows Golf Club, Asbury, IA
Picnic dinner and awards reception to follow
Register by May 1
Hosted by the Talon Club and our
Presenting Sponsor The Life Group Financial Services
Prizes for top team score, longest drive, and closest to the pin!
Proceeds support Emmaus Athletics and the purchase of a new scorer's table for Pollard Fieldhouse to upgrade our home game environment during volleyball and basketball seasons and to improve out branding and visibility on our livestream broadcasts. Half of each participant registration fee is eligible as a tax-deductible contribution as allowable by law.
Support the fundraiser through your business as an event sponsor! Click here to learn more
Thank You to our Sponsors