Intercultural Studies Major

Bible & Ministry Department


Intercultural Studies is a four-year program designed to provide graduates with a thorough understanding of the Bible and equip them for effective cross-cultural ministry.

Bachelor of Science
Time to Complete
4 Years
Program Director
Dr. Mark Stevenson
Program Learning Outcomes

In addition to meeting the Bible/Theology major outcomes, the student will be equipped in:

  1. Cross-cultural Adjustment
    Students will demonstrate the ability to adjust successfully to a foreign culture by: overcoming culture shock, making measurable progress in language-learning, bonding with foreign nationals, and adjusting to life and ministry abroad.
  2. Cross-cultural Communication
    Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate the Gospel cross-culturally by: understanding cultural and religious contexts, performing ethnographic cultural research, synthesizing ethnographic research into a worldview, evangelizing and discipling cross-culturally, and producing a contextualized Gospel message.
  3. Cross-cultural Leadership
    Students will demonstrate the ability to lead cross-culturally by: applying New Testament Church principles to Christian communities, evaluating controversial missiological issues and formulating their personal stance, demonstrating servant leadership and solving problems inherent in cross-cultural situations.
Program Admission
  1. Complete the freshman year at Emmaus with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.
  2. Declare intent to pursue a major in Intercultural Studies.
  3. At the beginning of the sophomore year, apply for entrance into the Intercultural Studies program.
  4. During the spring semester of the sophomore year, make application for the Intercultural Studies internship program.
  5. Pay all applicable fees for this major as determined by the Business office and published in the annual statement of fees.
Program Requirements
  1. Complete a minimum of 120.5 semester credit hours.
  2. A 2.0 cumulative grade point average and a passing grade in all required courses.
  3. At least 60 semester credit hours must be earned at Emmaus.
  4. Complete the general graduation requirements listed in the Academic Life section of the catalog.
  5. Meet course requirements in the following areas:
Bible/Theology (36.5 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey 1 (BT 102)
  • Old Testament Survey 2 (BT 104)
  • New Testament Survey (BT 106)
  • Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (BT 120)
  • Survey of Doctrine (BT 151)
  • Biblical Hermeneutics (BT 220)
  • God, Creation, and Sin (BT 221)
  • Christ, Holy Spirit, and Salvation (BT 321)
  • Church and Final Things (BT 331)
  • Biblical and Practical Theology of Transformation (BT 352)
  • Praxis of Interpretation (BT 320)
  • Apologetics (PHI 350) or Christian Evidences (PHI 267)
  • Servant Leader Training Seminar (CCS 115)
  • Servant Leader Training (CCS 120)
  • Chapel (CCS 110)
Educational Ministries (3 credits)
  • Teaching Bible (EM 321)
Intercultural Studies (43 credits)
  • Missions and Evangelism (ICS 104)
  • History of Missions (ICS 106)
  • Biblical Foundation of Mission (ICS 208)
  • Cross-Cultural Adjustment (ICS 212)
  • Internship Preparation (ICS 222)
  • Church Planting and Growth (ICS 310)
  • Urban Ministries (ICS 361)
  • Cross-Cultural Internship (ICS 422)
  • Cross-Cultural Leadership (ICS 441)
  • Issues in Missions (ICS 451)
  • Context Studies Elective
  • ICS Elective
General Studies (38 credits)
  • Fundamentals of Speech (COM 112)
  • Cross-Cultural Communication (COM 330)
  • Fundamental Computer Literacy (CS 101)
  • English Composition (ENG 101)
  • Introduction to Literature (ENG 102)
  • Transitions Seminar (FND 101)
  • Senior Seminar (FND 410)
  • Western Civilization 1 or 2 (HIS 131/132) or American History 1 or 2 (HIS 235/236)
  • Christian Life and Worldview (HUM 111)
  • University Mathematics (MAT 140)
  • World Religions (REL 308)
  • Introduction to Human Biology and Lab (SCI 241/242) or Introduction to Earth Science and Lab (SCI 230/231)
  • Cultural Anthropology (SOC 314)
  • General Studies Elective
The Lord has taught me the true power of the Gospel through the ICS Department. I learned that a genuine understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ restrains any individual from reserving the good news of the Messiah for themselves. I owe this growth in my life to my amazing professors, who not only taught me well, but walked alongside me as a young man.
Luca Drago
Luca Drago, Emmaus Admissions Counselor