Minor in Mathematics
The minor in Mathematics is a program designed to offer a concentrated focus in mathematics. Coursework provides the computational and analytic skills foundational for further study in a variety of majors including computer science, engineering and applied mathematics.
The student will:
- Investigate and apply mathematical ideas and models in a variety of contexts.
- Communicate mathematical ideas both orally and in writing
- Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (MAT 172)
- Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 (MAT 182)
- Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory (MAT 210)
- Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3 (MAT 222)
- Choose two Mathematics Electives* (300 level or higher):
- Probability and Statistics (MAT 310)
- Differential Equations (MAT 360)
- Analytical Statistics (MAT 415)
- Numerical Analysis (MAT 465)
*The two mathematics electives must be in addition to any math content required of the student’s major. All pre-requisite requirements must be satisfied