Minor in Music
The minor in Music is a program of study that provides foundational study in music theory, music history, and applied studies. Coursework for the minor can be used to fulfill some elective requirements in a major area of study.
The student will:
- Acquire basic knowledge of music history and repertories through the present time.
- Acquire foundational knowledge in music theory.
- Evidence continued growth in musical performance skills.
- Music Fundamentals* (MUS 101)
- Music Theory 1 (MUS 114)
- Aural Skills 1 (MUS 115)
- Music Theory 2 (MUS 214)
- Aural Skills 2 (MUS 215)
- Survey of Music History (MUS 173)
- Applied Private Voice, Piano, or Instrumental (4 semesters)
- Performing Group (4 semesters)
- Three (3) MUS elective credits: 200-level or higher and/or private lessons
*or demonstrated proficiency