Associate of Applied Science in Nursing & Bachelor of Science in Bible/Theology
Nursing is a four-year program of study designed to equip graduates for effective service in the nursing profession and while acquiring thorough knowledge of the Bible and Christian theology. Nursing coursework is provided through a concurrent enrollment agreement with Northeast Iowa Community College. Following year one of clinical coursework, students sit for the LPN exam. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates are eligible to write the national licensure exam (NCLEX) to become a registered nurse (RN).
In addition to meeting the Bible/Theology major outcomes, the student will meet the outcomes established by Northeast Iowa Community College for the A.A.S. Nursing program. See the NICC website at for up-to-date Nursing program requirements and outcomes.
- Meet all admission requirements of Emmaus University.
- Complete application for admission to Northeast Iowa Community College.
- Declare intent to pursue the cooperative program in Nursing.
- Meet all nursing program admission requirements of Northeast Iowa Community College.
- Nurse Aide/CNA licensure must be completed prior to Nursing Concepts.
- Nursing candidates must also achieve a score of 80 on the math and reading comprehension areas of the HESI A2 exam prior to nursing program admission (clinical coursework).
- At the beginning of the sophomore year, apply for entrance into the Bible/Theology program.
- Pay all applicable fees for this major as determined by the Business office and published in the annual statement of fees.
- Complete a minimum of 134 semester credit hours.
- A 2.0 cumulative grade point average and a passing grade in all required courses.
- At least 36 semester credit hours must be earned at Emmaus.
- At least 36 semester credit hours must be earned at Northeast Iowa Community College.
- Complete the general graduation requirements listed in the Academic Life section of the catalog.
- Complete all graduation and Nursing program requirements of Northeast Iowa Community College.
- Meet course requirements in the following areas:
- Old Testament Survey 1 (BT 102)
- Old Testament Survey 2 (BT 104)
- New Testament Survey (BT 106)
- Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (BT 120)
- Survey of Doctrine (BT 151)
- Biblical Hermeneutics (BT 220)
- Praxis of Interpretation (BT 320)
- Biblical and Practical Theology of Transformation (BT 352)
- Two of the following Theology Electives (6 credits):
- God, Creation, and Sin (BT 221)
- Christ, Holy Spirit, and Salvation (BT 321)
- Church and Final Things (BT 331)
- Servant Leader Training Seminar (CCS 115)
- Servant Leader Training (CCS 120)
- Chapel (CCS 110)
- Human Anatomy and Physiology II (BIO:173)
- Microbiology & Lab (BIO: 183/184)
- Introduction to Nutrition (PNN:270)
- Dosage Calculations (PNN:200)
- Pharmacology Medications (PNN:204)
- Introduction to Nursing Concepts (PNN:183)
- Introduction to Nursing Care of Adults I (PNN:179)
- Introduction to Nursing Care of Adults II (PNN:191)
- Introduction to Maternal Child Health (PNN:242)
- Application of the Practical Nurse Role (PNN:246)
- Introduction to Associate Degree Nursing (ADN:332)
- Advanced Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family (ADN:470)
- Advanced Nursing Care of Children (ADN:472)
- Psychiatric Nursing Care (ADN:478)
- Advanced Nursing Care of Adults (ADN:525)
Courses at Northeast Iowa Community University.
- Human Anatomy and Physiology I (BIO:168)
- Fundamentals of Speech (COM 112)
- Fundamental Computer Literacy (CS 101)
- English Composition (ENG 101)
- Introduction to Literature (ENG 102)
- University Composition II (ENG:106)
- Transitions Seminar (FND 101)
- Western Civilization 1 or 2 (HIS 131/132) or American History 1 or 2 (HIS 235/236)
- Christian Life and Worldview* (HUM 111)
- University Mathematics (MAT 140)
- Introduction to Psychology (PSY 111)
- Developmental Psychology (PSY 211)
- Introduction to Sociology (SOC:110)
*meets Bible-Related requirement
Courses at Northeast Iowa Community University.