Student Spotlight: Josh & Kaitlin (class of '25)
Current Emmaus student Josh is a soccer player, a camp counselor, a Ministry Leadership major, and a newlywed. Josh and his then-girlfriend, now wife, Kaitlin, came to Emmaus from Windsor, Ontario. Kaitlin is an Elementary Education major, with a minor in Greek. Both expect to graduate in 2025.
At Emmaus they have discovered that they are pushed academically, spiritually, and athletically while being met at every turn with the Truth. The professors, coaches, and RAs challenge students like Josh and Kaitlin to be more Christlike as they receive the good works that God has prepared for them. Josh says, “Emmaus is unabashedly Christian as it helps students understand the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).”
Josh is captain of the Emmaus Eagles soccer team and spends his summers serving on the program staff at Living Waters Bible Camp, where he focuses primarily on discipleship. He considers his time at Emmaus to be some of the most formative years of his life because they have been filled with professors who teach classes with uncompromised Biblical truth and provide examples of true discipleship.
After graduation Josh and Kaitlin intend to pursue ministry. Kaitlin hopes to teach in a public school, and she is learning from her Emmaus professors how to appropriately use that as an evangelism platform. Josh’s goal is to share the Gospel through evangelism.

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Funds are used to support students through financial aid, educational programs, student life, facilities, and more. Emmaus University not designate donations to individual students or to individual faculty/staff/missionaries; Emmaus is not collecting gifts for Josh and Kaitlin specifically.