Associate of Arts in Youth Ministries

Bible & Ministry Department


The Associate of Arts in Youth Ministries is a program of study designed to provide the student with knowledge of the basic principles of youth ministry.

Associate of Arts
Time to Complete
2 Years
Program Director
Jeffrey Riley
Program Learning Outcomes

The student will:

  1. Basic knowledge of biblical content and Christian Theology.
  2. Essentials of a proper methodology to interpret and apply the English Bible.
  3. Commitment to growth in Christian character and lifestyle.
  4. Develop an historical framework and Biblical philosophy for Christian education.
  5. Acquire a fundamental knowledge and methodology of youth ministry.
  6. Become acquainted with the uniqueness of adolescent development and how to reach them.
  7. Develop basic pastoral administration and leadership skills.
Program Requirements
  1. Complete a minimum of 66 semester credit hours.
  2. A 2.0 cumulative grade point average and a passing grade in all required courses.
  3. At least 30 semester credit hours must be earned at Emmaus.
  4. Complete the general graduation requirements listed in the Academic Life section of the catalog.
  5. Meet course requirements in the following areas:
Bible/Theology (21 credits)
  • Old Testament Survey 1 (BT 102)
  • Old Testament Survey 2 (BT 104)
  • New Testament Survey (BT 106)
  • Survey of Doctrine (BT 151)
  • Introduction to Biblical Interpretation (BT 120)
  • Biblical Hermeneutics (BT 220)
  • Bible/Theology Elective
  • Servant Leader Training Seminar (CCS 115)
  • Servant Leader Training (CCS 120)
  • Chapel (CCS 110)
Educational Ministries (19 credits)
  • Marriage and Family Life (EM 109)
  • Educational Ministries 1 (EM 106)
  • EM Freshman Field Studies (EM 140)
  • Technology in Ministry (EM 231)
  • EM Sophomore Field Studies (EM 240)
  • Introduction to Youth Ministry (EM 260)
  • Youth Culture and Challenges (EM 310)
  • Small Group Ministry (EM 320)
  • Apologetics (PHI 350) or Christian Evidences (PHI 267)
General Studies (26 credits)
  • Fundamentals of Speech (COM 112)
  • Fundamental Computer Literacy (CS 101)
  • English Composition (ENG 101)
  • Introduction to Literature (ENG 102)
  • Transitions Seminar (FND 101)
  • Western Civilization 1 or 2 (HIS 131/132) or American History 1 or 2 (HIS 235/236)
  • Christian Life and Worldview (HUM 111)
  • Introduction to Human Biology and Lab (SCI 241/242) or Introduction to Earth Science and Lab (SCI 230/231)
  • Mathematics Elective
The youth ministry program at Emmaus University is characterized by a genuine love for students, a firm commitment to teaching, and a strong desire to equip students with the necessary tools for ministry. Being a graduate of Emmaus University's youth ministry program, I am equipped to communicate the Word to students in a way that is relevant to them, and to implement programs that are both theologically sound and developmentally appropriate.
Sui Thang
Sui Thang, Emmaus Youth Ministries Graduate