Minor in Youth Ministries
Bible & Ministry Department
The minor in Youth Ministries is a program of study designed to provide the student with knowledge of the basic principles of youth ministry. Coursework for the minor can be used to fulfill elective requirements in a major area of study.
Program Learning Outcomes
The student will:
- Develop an historical framework and Biblical philosophy for Christian education.
- Acquire a fundamental knowledge and methodology of youth ministry.
- Become acquainted with the uniqueness of adolescent development and how to reach them.
- Develop basic pastoral administration and leadership skills.
Program Requirements
- Educational Ministries 1 (EM 106)
- Technology in Ministry (EM 231)
- Introduction to Youth Ministry (EM 260)
- Youth Culture and Challenges (EM 310)
- Teaching Bible (EM 321)
- Ministry Leadership (EM 350)
- Educational Ministries Elective
The youth ministry program at Emmaus University is characterized by a genuine love for students, a firm commitment to teaching, and a strong desire to equip students with the necessary tools for ministry. Being a graduate of Emmaus University's youth ministry program, I am equipped to communicate the Word to students in a way that is relevant to them, and to implement programs that are both theologically sound and developmentally appropriate.
Sui Thang