Minor in History
The minor in History is a program of study designed to provide students with the historical content and research and analytical skills necessary to engage in educated and relevant verbal/written historical dialogue in the modern world. Coursework for the minor can be used to fulfill elective requirements in a major area of study.
The student will
- Distinguish between primary and secondary sources and identify and evaluate evidence.
- Demonstrate understanding of peoples and cultures in past environments and of how those cultures changed over the course of time.
- Demonstrate the ability to recognize and articulate the diversity of human experience, including ethnicity, race, language, and gender, as well as political, economic, social, and cultural structures over time and space.
- Produce his/her own historical analysis of documents and develop the ability to think critically and historically when discussing the past.
- Identify and articulate the impact of worldview on the flow of historical events, individual lives, and its relevance to the development of modern history.
- Western Civilization 1 (HIS 131)
- Western Civilization 2 (HIS 132)
- American History 1 (HIS 235) or American History 2 (HIS 236)
- Church History (HIS 376)
- History of the Ancient Near East (HIS 410)
- HIS Elective: (3 credits)
- Latin American History (HIS 340)
- Modern World History (HIS 350)
- History of Israel (HIS 381)
- History and Literature of the Second Temple Period (HIS 382)