Intensive English Program

Intensive English Program


The IEP is a resident on-campus program that provides international students with English language instruction. Students can take either one or two semesters as necessary to complete the program based on their entering level of competence. Emmaus IEP curriculum is designed to prepare students for college classes. Learners develop skills in reading academic texts, listening to academic lectures, writing clear academic papers and participating in classroom discussion along with community service activities. Full-time students receive 18-20 hours of instruction per week. Emmaus also provides a special class to teach students theological English.


Semester 1


Semester 2


Total (per year)


*There is an additional cost for any field trips.

Admission Requirements
  1. Submit an application to the Intensive English Program at Emmaus.
  2. Request that your high school send an official transcript. Transcripts must be sent directly from the school or delivered in a signed and sealed school envelope. All applicants must have graduated with a 2.00+ high school GPA to be admitted to the college.
  3. Request that all colleges attended send an official college transcript of credits and grades (even if no
    credits were earned). All transcripts must be sent directly from the college or delivered in a signed and
    sealed school envelope.
  4. Arrange for a church/ministry leader or a spiritual mentor to complete the reference form:
  5. Send the official test scores to demonstrate English proficiency from either TOEFL or DuoLingo.

Applicants for whom English is not their native/birth language and/or were not born in the U.S. are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English by submitting satisfactory Test of English as a foreign Language (TOEFL) or Duolingo scores taken within two years of the date of application. This requirement applies even if the applicant is a U.S. citizen, has attended American or English-speaking schools and/or colleges/universities, and is a longtime resident of English-speaking countries. Waivers for the English proficiency requirement are rare and are given solely at the discretion of the Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to require an official TOEFL or Duolingo score from any applicant whose correspondence and/or application materials do not demonstrate a robust command of the English language at the undergraduate-level.

Program Curriculum
  • Gain academic, pre-university skills that provide a smooth transition to undergraduate programs
  • Learn all language skills: reading, writing, listening, grammar.
  • Theological English class provides students for biblical and theological studies so they can preach, research, minister in English as well.
  • Emphasis on study skills including note-taking, use of the library, academic listening skills, and American classroom methods and culture.
  • Practice in American pronunciation and conversation skills.

This program combines IEP courses  (9-credits)  with one 3 or 4 credit college course that can count toward a college certificate or degree.

Listening + Speaking | 3 credit course

This course will help students develop oral vocabulary, grammar and fluency through a variety of communicative activities. Students will participate in public speaking, preaching, class discussion, and presentation. In addition, students will learn how to do Chronological Bible Storying to improve their speaking and pronunciation skills and deepen their biblical theology.

Academic Writing + Reading | 3 credit course

In this course, students write well-organized essays using various rhetorical patterns appropriately.  Grammar structures common to essay writing will be re-introduced and practiced. Students will also develop an understanding of their own grammatical problems in speaking and writing and then learn how to monitor and edit for those specific problems. Students will apply active reading strategies in order to comprehend, critically analyze, and explain ideas in college level texts. In addition, students will be able to feel more comfortable with ESL grammar and to improve their writing by honing their editing skills.

Theological English | 3 credit course

This course will help students develop proficiency for reading theological publications and to learn theological concepts and vocabulary in English with the goal of becoming better equipped to do biblical and theological studies. The primary focus will be on enhancing reading skills along with theological vocabulary development. Students will gain vocabulary and concepts related to the different areas of theology such as Christology, Pneumatology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, and Eschatology . Students will not only become familiar with many new words and phrases but they will also learn and be able to use general vocabulary with theological meaning.  In addition, students will be able to learn and use reading strategies to help them read at a speed that is appropriate for the content. 

One college credit course | 3 or 4 credits

In addition to three IEP classes, students are required to choose one college-credit course. The following are a suggested list of degree credit bearing courses from which the students may choose one. Other courses in the program are also available with the approval.

  • Introduction to TESOL (ESL 210)
  • Linguistics and English Phonetics (ESL 205)
  • English Grammar (ENG 320)
  • College Math (MAT 140)
  • Missions and Evangelism 1 (ICS 104)
  • Marriage and Family Life (SOC 109)
Program Features
  • TOEFL waivers: Successful completion of the college prep level with a minimum grade of B in all the IEP classes will allow students to have their TOEFL requirement waived for admission to our certificate and degree programs.
  • Interaction with native speakers of English inside and outside of the classroom
  • Attend Chapel three times a week
  • Free tutoring
  • Conversation partner outside of class
  • Receive personalized care with immigration and cultural/linguistic concern
  • Opportunities for intercultural exchange, experiential learning, ministry and academic preparedness
  • Transition to Emmaus Bible College!
Student Life

The tight-knit community of students, faculty, and staff at Emmaus allows for a wealth  of opportunities to develop long-lasting, meaningful friendships and mentorships. Whether it is sharing a meal with faculty  and staff, studying scripture, spending time in prayer or serving others with the fellow students in your Campus Community Group, or participating in campus-wide events organized by the student union, there are countless opportunities to build valuable relationships that you will never forget.

Daily Schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:20 am - 10:10 am - Listening and speaking class
10:20 an -11:00 am - Chapel   
12:05 pm - 12:40 pm - Lunch 
12:40 pm - 2:30 pm - Academic Writing and Grammar

Tuesday, Thursday
8:20 am - 10:10 am - Theological English  
12:05 pm - 12:40 pm - Lunch 
12:40 pm - 2:30 pm - Academic Writing and Grammar