Serving in Business and Home

Alumni Spotlight: Derrek & Molly (class of '12)

Derrek and Molly, both class of 2012, met at Emmaus. Derrek, a Computer Systems graduate, is now a Network Communications Manager at RSM. At Emmaus he learned that everything he does must point back to Christ and to be a good steward of all that God has given him. These lessons, coupled with his professional degree, allow him to consistently outperform his peers from large state schools.

As a hiring manager at RSM, Derrek knows that Emmaus applicants will arrive well-trained with critical thinking and problem-solving skills to get the job done. Even more important, in his eyes, is the character of an Emmaus grad. He knows Biblical ethics and integrity will be paramount in their life and their actions will focus on bringing glory to God.

Molly, a Biblical Studies graduate, and Derrek walk the walk at home with their children, too. They were both able to see how Emmaus professors lived in a Christ-like manner as they visited faculty homes and families. They emulate what they saw and experienced in their life as parents today.

Alumni like Derrek and Molly remind us that professional, practical education immersed in Bible and Theology continues to be a wise course to follow.

A couple with two children standing outside by a tree in fall

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